It's overwhelming to think about it all at one time, but day by day, we made it through S.'s final days of high school.
First there was prom.
Then there was graduation.
The very next day, paint roller in hand, she created a blank canvas for the next phase of life. Wow, can we say "Ready to move on"?
Moving on? Oh, yes, O. signed a lease on an apartment for the fall when she will be transferring to University. It seems like it's all spinning so fast, such a daily adventure.
Speaking of adventures, S. and I took a 'spontaneous artistic adventure' to Austin, Tx. and opted to stay in the heart of the "Keep Austin Weird" district. The Austin Motel is a step back in time, very cool. Every room a different theme, color all around. We had turquoise plumbing-sink, tub and toilet with pink tiled floor and walls and a lime green shower curtainin the bathroom, and this shock of pink on the main room wall.
I think she found her tribe in Austin, definitely a vibe that she can relate to and feed off of.
The idea of a trip had been bouncing around in my head, and the only fuel that it took to make us hit the road was a gift card to Jerry's Art-A-Rama, an on-line shop, that just so happens to have an actual store in Austin, 4 1/2 hours away! The rush? Austin Kleon, author of 'Steal Like An Artist' was giving a talk and book signing at Book People. We packed the car and were off.
Other stops of note: Roadside Relics-artist Todd Sanders studio, one cool guy.
Uncommon Objects-antique mall supreme! South Congress Cafe for yummy eats, and the thrift store next door for great vintage fashion finds (Bohemian something or other).
Jo's Coffee for morning power.
That pretty much covers the major bits, and I have been sewing, which surprises even me! I'll try and play catch up on that soon. Hope that you're enjoying the adventures of daily life, they are a blessing and fly right by wether we are paying attention or not.